Thursday, January 15, 2015

Our new mantra

Like most other typical families we are no exception when it comes to having a house full of things we don't use or need. This is where we find ourselves beginning our journey into the small life, by digging through the piles of "treasures " we once were to afraid to get rid of. We currently live in a very comfortable size house.  Before this, we lived in a apartment owned by family. When we moved into our 1400 sq ft home, we left an entire attic full of things over there for over a year. In that time, we never once missed or needed anything. But yet, we moved it all over to our new house because we were still stuck in the mindset of " what if one day we need this " or " we have had this for so long we can't get rid of it now ".  Our new mindset and mantra “Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful.”
― William Morris

Carpe Diem !

Hello we are Chris and Nicole and we have two amazing little girls. The purpose of this blog is to document our families journey from the life we lead to the life we want to live. From living in a house of 1400 square feet to a house we design and build between 700-800 square feet. So here is to living small !